– Prayer of Thanksgiving –
Verse 1
I love You Lord
Oh Your mercy never fails me
All my days
I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
I will sing of the goodness of God
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God
Verse 2
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest night
You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a father
I’ve known You as a friend
I have lived in the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
With my life laid down
I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
CCLI Song # 7117726
Ben Fielding | Brian Johnson | Ed Cash | Jason Ingram | Jenn Johnson
© 2018 Capitol CMG Paragon, SHOUT! Music Publishing Australia, Fellow Ships Music,
So Essential Tunes, Bethel Music Publishing
Verse 1
Creation sings the Father’s song
He calls the sun to wake the dawn
And run the course of day
Till evening falls in crimson rays
His fingerprints in flakes of snow
His breath upon this spinning globe
He charts the eagle’s flight
Commands the newborn baby’s cry
Let all creation stand and sing
Fill the earth with songs of worship
Tell the wonders of creation’s King
Verse 2
Creation gazed upon His face
The ageless One in time’s embrace
Unveiled the Father’s plan
Of reconciling God and man
A second Adam walked the earth
Whose blameless life would break the curse
Whose death would set us free
To live with Him eternally
Verse 3
Creation longs for His return
When Christ shall reign upon the earth
The bitter wars that rage
Are birth pains of a coming age
When He renews the land and sky
All heaven will sing and earth reply
With one resplendent theme
The glory of our God and King
CCLI Song # 5333798
Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty | Stuart Townend
© 2008 Thankyou Music
– Scripture Reading –
PSALM 100:105
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into His presence with singing!
Know that the Lord, He is God!
It is He who made us, and we are his;
We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
And His courts with praise!
Give thanks to Him; bless His name!
For the Lord is good;
His steadfast love endures forever,
And his faithfulness to all generations.
– Testify of The Goodness of His Word: Promise –
Verse 1
There is a Redeemer Jesus God’s own Son
Precious Lamb of God Messiah Holy One
Thank You O my Father
For giving us Your Son
And leaving Your Spirit
Till the work on earth is done
Verse 2
Jesus my Redeemer name above all names
Precious Lamb of God Messiah
O for sinners slain
Verse 3
When I stand in glory I will see His face
There I’ll serve my King forever
In that holy place
CCLI Song # 11483
Melody Green
© 1982 Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing, Birdwing Music, Ears To Hear
Verse 1
Jesus what a Friend for sinners
Jesus Lover of my soul
Friends may fail me foes assail me
He my Savior makes me whole
Hallelujah what a Savior
Hallelujah what a Friend
Saving helping keeping loving
He is with me to the end
Verse 2
Jesus what a Strength in weakness
Let me hide myself in Him
Tempted tried in Him confiding
He my Strength my vict’ry wins
Verse 4
Jesus what a Guide and Keeper
While the tempest still is high
Storms about me night o’ertakes me
He my Pilot hears my cry
Verse 5
Jesus I do now receive Him
More than all in Him I find
Christ in me the Hope of glory
I am His and He is mine
© Words & Music: Public Domain
Verse 1
Thy mercy my God is the theme of my song
The joy of my heart and the boast of my tongue
Thy free grace alone from the first to the last
Hath won my affections and bound my soul fast
Verse 2
Without Thy sweet mercy I could not live here
Sin would reduce me to utter despair
But through Thy free goodness my spirits revive
And He that first made me still keeps me alive
Verse 3
Thy mercy is more than a match for my heart
Which wonders to feel its own hardness depart
Dissolved by Thy goodness I fall to the ground
And weep for the praise of the mercy I found
Verse 4
Great Father of mercies Thy goodness I own
And the covenant love of Thy crucified Son
All praise to the Spirit whose whisper divine
Seals mercy and pardon and righteousness mine
All praise to the Spirit whose whisper divine
Seals mercy and pardon and righteousness mine
CCLI Song # 3422560
John Stocker | Sandra McCracken
© Words: Public Domain
Music: 2001 Integrity Worship Music
– Scripture Reading –
Psalm 34:1-3, 8-10, 19-22
I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
Let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt His name together!
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints,
For those who fear Him have no lack!
The young lions suffer want and hunger;
But those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the LORD delivers him out of them all.
He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.
Affliction will slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous will be condemned.
– Testify: The Goodness of His Mercy: Salvation –
– The Lord’s Supper –
Verse 1
There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains
Lose all their guilty stains
Lose all their guilty stains
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains
Verse 2
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day
And there may I though vile as he
Wash all my sins away
Wash all my sins away
Wash all my sins away
And there may I though vile as he
Wash all my sins away
Verse 3
Dear dying Lamb Thy precious blood
Shall never lose its pow’r
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved to sin no more
Be saved to sin no more
Be saved to sin no more
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved to sin no more
Verse 4
E’er since by faith I saw the stream
Thy flowing wounds supply
Redeeming love has been my theme
And shall be till I die
And shall be till I die
And shall be till I die
Redeeming love has been my theme
And shall be till I die
Verse 5
When this poor lisping stamm’ring tongue
Lies silent in the grave
Then in a nobler sweeter song
I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save
I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save
I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save
Then in a nobler sweeter song
I’ll sing Thy pow’r to save
© Words & Music: Public Domain
Verse 1
And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood
Died He for me who caused His pain
For me who Him to death pursued
Amazing love how can it be
That Thou my God shouldst die for me
Amazing love how can it be
That Thou my God shouldst die for me
Verse 3
He left His Father’s throne above
So free so infinite His grace
Emptied Himself of all but love
And bled for Adam’s helpless race
‘Tis mercy all immense and free
For O my God it found out me
‘Tis mercy all immense and free
For O my God it found out me
Verse 4
Long my imprisoned spirit lay
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray
I woke the dungeon flamed with light
My chains fell off my heart was free
I rose went forth and followed Thee
My chains fell off my heart was free
I rose went forth and followed Thee
Verse 5
No condemnation now I dread
Jesus and all in Him is mine
Alive in Him my living Head
And clothed in righteousness divine
Bold I approach th’eternal throne
And claim the crown through Christ my own
Bold I approach th’eternal throne
And claim the crown through Christ my own
© Words & Music: Public Domain
Verse 1
Thank You for the cross Lord
Thank You for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came and gave amazing grace
Verse 2
Thank You for this love Lord
Thank You for the nail-pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up Jesus Son of God
The Darling of heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb
CCLI Song # 3217555
Darlene Zschech
© 2000 Wondrous Worship
– Scripture Reading –
Daniel 2:20-23
Daniel answered and said:
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
To whom belong wisdom and might.
He changes times and seasons;
He removes kings and sets up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding;
He reveals deep and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with him.
To you, O God of my fathers,
I give thanks and praise,
For you have given me wisdom and might,
And have now made known to me
What we asked of you,
For you have made known to us
The king’s matter.”
– Testify of The Goodness of His Sovereignty: Provision and Protection –
Verse 1
The myst’ry of the cross I cannot comprehend
The agonies of Calvary
You the perfect Holy One crushed Your Son
Who drank the bitter cup reserved for me
Your blood has washed away my sin
Jesus thank You
The Father’s wrath completely satisfied
Jesus thank You
Once Your enemy now seated at Your table
Jesus thank You
Verse 2
By Your perfect sacrifice I’ve been brought near
Your enemy You’ve made Your friend
Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace
Your mercy and Your kindness know no end
Lover of my soul I want to live for You
CCLI Song # 4475341
Pat Sczebel
© 2003 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music, Sovereign Grace Worship
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heav’nly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost