Meet our Pastors

Jordan Fanara

Jordan Fanara

Lead Pastor


Jordan is committed to shepherding Immanuel Baptist Church through sound, biblical preaching. He deeply desires to know and love the people God has graciously placed under his leadership.

He is passionate about introducing lost souls to Jesus and discipling new believers within a healthy church community.

Jordan is a native of Santa Clara, California. He and his wife, Jessica, met in church nursery, and they were married in 2011. They are proud parents of four children: Kendall, Morgan, Carter, and Avery.

Beyond his ministry work, Jordan enjoys biking with his boxer dog, Rocky, taking book recommendations, baseball, family time, and welcoming guests into their family home.

• B.S. in Education
• M.A. in Pastoral Counseling

Jon Dillon

Jon Dillon

Associate Pastor of Discipleship


As Pastor of Discipleship, Jon’s focus is teaching and equipping the saints to grow in their faith in Christ and do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12). He desires every member actively form redemptive relationships with unbelievers and committed to disciple-making relationships with fellow believers (Matthew 28:19-20).

Pastor Jon’s background as a small business operator for 15 years and a church planter for 9 years gives him some unique insights on the challenges of living the Christian life and reaching the lost with the Gospel. He is passionate about Christian hospitality and fellowship.

In addition to ministry, Pastor Jon enjoys singing, watching basketball and football, hunting, and exercising. He and his wife, Liz, love to spend time together taking walks, eating good food, and sipping on espresso. They also enjoy keeping up with their 3 children who are in college and pursuing careers.

• B.S. in Productions and Operations Management, Bob Jones University
• M.Min, Piedmont International University

Thomas Long

Thomas Long

Student Ministries Pastor


As Student Ministries Pastor, Thomas’s focus is to train up and disciple the youth at Immanuel Baptist Church in the ways that they should go (Proverbs 22:6). His desire is to teach the youth how to be a gospel witness in their communities, and to make disciples who make disciples (Acts 1:8, Ephesians 4:16, Romans 10:14-15). This is born out of the belief that our students do not have to wait until they are older to love, worship, and serve the Lord.

Before serving at Immanuel Thomas served as youth director for a church in the Lynchburg area for a year and a half and as a graduate student assistant at Liberty University for two years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and a master’s degree in Christian Leadership and Church Ministry from Liberty University.

In addition to ministry, Thomas enjoys cooking, model building, reading, playing video games, and gardening. He and his wife, Jessica, enjoy spending time trying out new recipes, traveling to new places, visiting local restaurants, playing with their pets, and spending quiet moments together. Thomas and Jessica grew up in Powhatan and are enjoying doing life in the Richmond area again.

• B.A. in Biblical Studies, Liberty University
• M.Div in Christian Leadership and Church Ministry, Liberty University

Meet Our Staff

Joelle Andrews

Joelle Andrews

Facilities Associate


Joelle works on a variety of tasks and projects throughout the church campus, serving on the Facilities team with Scott Morris, Facilities Director.

In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer, taking pictures, vacationing at the beach, making memories with friends, and getting involved in the occasional deep, theological conversation. 🙂

Gary Chaulklin

Gary Chaulklin

Technology Director


Gary supports staff with computer issues, acquires and maintains church technology equipment (such as computers, backup systems and network equipment) and works on projects such as the move of the sanctuary audio/visual operation to its new location.

“This is the best job I have ever had. I enjoy the variety of technology here at Immanuel.  But the best part is working with the staff.  They are a joy!”

In his spare time, Gary also enjoys playing chess and reading. You may know Gary’s wonderful wife, Liza, and their children, Rachel, Matthew, and Joshua.

Emmi Stephens

Emmi Stephens

Children's Ministry Intern


You can find Emmi in the office on Mondays. In the absence of a Children’s Ministry Director, her role falls under the leadership of our Student Ministries Pastor, Thomas Long.

There is no such thing as a “normal day” when it comes to ministry hehe, but here are a few of the things I do throughout the day: restock snacks, create an email with the following Sunday’s schedule, reach out to new families who may be interested in helping, and collaborate with the staff to create fun events!

One of the things Emmi loves about this role is the opportunity to communicate with church members on a regular basis.

I get to be involved with every generation in the church, from children to parents and volunteers! I have always loved intergenerational ministry and serving as an intern has given me the opportunity to connect generations! Isn’t that what the Gospel looks like!

In Emmi’s free time, she enjoys spending time with family, playing soccer, running and hiking. She is a recent graduate of Pensacola Christian College in Florida, so she has become a beach LOVER!

I spent most of my weekends collecting shells at the beach and watching the sun rise and set over the ocean. God is truly an amazing creator and I am always excited for an opportunity to explore his handiwork!

Judi Bowman

Judi Bowman

P/T Financial Aministratior

Judi joined our Immanuel staff in 2019 as a part-time Administrative Assistant.
You can expect to see Judi here a couple of days a week to answer questions, point members to the proper resources on our staff and assist in keeping church information updated. She will greet you with a smile whether in person, on the phone or via email.
“I am delighted to have a supporting role to the work that is happening in the body of Christ here at Immanuel!”
Judi attended Virginia Commonwealth University, which is what brought her to Richmond. She spent 10 years in corporate interior design and space planning and more recently has been working in the hospitality industry at the Country Club of Virginia. She brings unique experience and skills to this role as a result. 

In her spare time, Judi enjoys creating art of all kinds, spending time outdoors—walking, camping, gardening, discovering, and being with her family making the best memories together. She and her husband, Rennie, are privileged to be able to homeschool their four kids as they seek to raise children who would follow and honor God.

Christina Kinder

Christina Kinder

P/T Administrative Assistant (M/W/F)


You can expect to see Christina here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to answer questions, point members to the proper resources on our staff and assist in keeping member and church information updated.

Every day is different and I am enjoying assisting members and working with this wonderful staff, they are truly a blessing.

Christina is a native of West Virginia who has lived in the Richmond area for the last 20 years and attended IBC since January 2013.  She earned an Accounting degree from Marshall University and has worked in financial services for Dominion, Chesapeake Engineering and New Kent County.  Christina was raised in a Christian home and attended church her entire life, but came to realize she had not placed her trust in Jesus as her Savior during her early 30’s and got saved and baptized at that time.  She and John have brought up two children, Julia and Robb, who both still reside in Virginia.

I enjoy time with family, playing golf, hiking, board games, and have been playing indoor soccer with some fellow IBCers which has become a highlight of my week.  I also enjoy the Crossroads Ministry, spending time with the college and career age group, which has been encouraging and inspiring. They keep me growing and seeking to be more like Christ.

Sara Bunn

Sara Bunn

P/T Creative Director, Digital Communications


Sara joined church staff in 2019. She works a few hours each week to manage the church website, email newsletter, app, social pages, and assist with print and communications for special projects and events.

“I am grateful to collaborate with a wonderful team of people who sincerely love the Lord and enjoy serving our church family. It is a blessing to hear the prayers of our pastors and staff during the weekly staff meeting.”

Sara enjoys serving the church in this way, along with her digital communications work with Capitol Ministries.

Sara grew up as an Army Brat in Germany where she came to know the Lord as a teenager and developed a heart for serving in any way God guides, especially in the little, unseen ways, “until the whole world hears” (Matthew 24:14).

“I initially found out about Immanuel by looking it up online maaaaaany years ago, so it is fun that this has come full circle. :)”

Sara met Peter here, in Immanuel’s “College Bereans” class in 2003, and they have one son—Jesse. Some things they enjoy: homeschooling, geocaching, disc golf, traveling, playing games with friends and family.

Scott Morris

Scott Morris

Church Facilities Director


Scott Morris started working with Immanuel in 2014, working on painting and cleaning projects throughout the church and annex. His work on the church facilities team began in 2018 and has now taken the lead as Church Facilities Director.

A typical day for Scott includes cleaning and setting up rooms across the whole church for a wide variety of activities and events. He is responsible for maintaining the entire facility and makes sure all is functioning properly, making minor repairs where necessary. He coordinates daily with staff, church leaders, and church members in preparation for activities and events and welcomes you to send him a message when needed.

“I enjoy serving our IBC family and love to see people enjoying fellowship together, worshiping the Lord.”

Scott also enjoys spending time with his wife, Laura; their dog, Harrison (such a good boy!); and cat, Gracie.

“Laura and I enjoy many outdoor activities including kayaking, hiking and bicycling. I’m also an avid fan of many University of Virginia Cavaliers sports.”


What does it mean to know Jesus?